Moving on..internship (2)

Thanks to my course, I've my internship period now!
I've ate a lots of homemade dishes that's really mouthwatering
How lucky that I have a wonderful mom. Not going to mention what I have ate but definitely those spicy one!
And have really enjoy my weekends that's not normal/usually.
LOL! Actually just have a great dinner, movie and rest. It seem like I am those easy satisfied one. Good thing!
Cut to the point, today was the third weeks of my internship. Actually today is my first day if I follow UTAR schedule. Anyway, I enjoy my working time except when there is nothing to do.
I learned, I appreciated.
So far, there is nothing tough for me maybe I still not "mature" enough to write an article.
But I still got chance to write email that need to send for client which consider as important too.
This may effect sales and if hit the target then will be reward a Thailand trip. (Koh Samui i think)
Then should I count myself in the part of sales??
Nevermind, as long I could help.

Hope I can involve more in writing or the production of the magazine. I think the road is not far away.
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