Suggest me

I know I have a lots of assignment waiting me to finish
I know I am late to start all the assignment now
I know I should stay focus on my study now
I am way to lazy to stick with my laptop writing on my report
and also read those journals

I need entertainment now!!
Any nice game to play? I don't want those unchallengeable game
Can be pc/psp game
Or any nice book to read on??
I just don't want face with those assignment!

Help me!
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Kris said...

wow, if u wan, i gt a lot of pc game here~~~XDXD~~~
juz finish those assignment, thn week 13 we can goyang kaki somemore~~~

Unknown said...

yeah! give me next time wor..cannot goyang kaki first! study first, if not exam week can die!!

Anonymous said...
